About the author

Editor - Nelson Thibodeaux

[email protected] Nelson is a 30-year plus resident of Colleyville. He has located his privately owned businesses in Colleyville for more than 20 years. Nelson is the 2018 Empower Texans Recipient of the North Texas Conservative Leadership Award. Nelson is the founder of LNO in 2000. He served as councilman and Mayor Pro Tem of Colleyville until June 2000. Thereafter, he started LNO because there was no adequate newspaper coverage. Nelson has previously worked in both radio and television during his career.

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  1. 1

    Melissa Hart

    I am sicked by this. I got into this campaign to fight Proposition 1 and the candidates who sponsored it. I feel that the way the proposition is written is enough to defeat it. Character assassination only hurts both campaigns.

    1. 1.1


      I believe we would have seen a more factual campaign had current seated council members stayed out of the fracas. With Mayor Kelly trying to strong arm citizens, Council members Tom Hart and Mike Taylor photographed attempting to place a “NO VOTE” sign in the neighborhood, Council Member Chuck Mogged actively putting out “NO VOTE” signs;, many times attached to Candidates Mike Taylor and Nancy Coplen’s signs, the milk began to turn sour early.

      Council member Jody Short to somewhat less involvement, however offering the Star Telegram a prognosis of what would happen if Proposition 1 passed and finally Council member Carol Wollin that stepped back to allow the citizens and proponents debate the issues.

      As it has turned out, the council members hiding behind an unregistered and therefore illegal PAC are similarly guilty of attempting to influence the election through equally, if not as nasty,surreptitious methods.

      There is simply no doubt the mailer was sent out to benefit the Taylor and Coplen campaigns, therefore the bony finger is pointing directly at them.

  2. 2


    Thank you for your coverage of the elections. I would be interested to see how many visits you have had to your website and the election articles. Please post if you can!

    1. 2.1


      To: Susan Baum– Checking our stats over the past 5 days from April 30 – May 4 these are the numbers:
      Total Number of Distinct Users: 4,457
      Total Pages Read: :18,203
      Most Popular Post: During this period the most read page with 42.86% of Distinct Users to date is this page.

  3. 3

    Tanya Morris

    This reminds me of the notorious YELLOW island that appeared overnight to block entrance to the Kroger and other buildings just to reroute traffic through the village to benefit the property management and builders.

    There is a beautiful growing city just west of you——————-NORTH RICHLAND HILLS!!!!!

  4. 4

    Gregg Rondeau

    If it’s true,it’s beneath everyone in this race! But let’s not jump the gun here. As with everything else you are standing by it’s all conjecture and innuendo. Have the people who you are accusing used the letter to try and sway the election?
    Let’s get a little historical perspective on this. The pro Prop 1 folks Putnam, Lindamood and Zeitlin have done a great job to playing the victim throughout this entire process.
    This fracas really started a long time ago by Mr Putnam. He is the one that made the claim back in March 2014 that the city council was planning to use eminent domain extensively up and down Glade road. Putnam used this to propel the campaign forward by calling it a “land grab”. You excoriate other members of the city council for taking action against Prop 1 yet there has been numerous remarks and videos by Putnam on all of the sites and candidates pages for Prop1. So he certainly has not been idle in this.
    Their campaign has run a well orchestrated plan to confuse voters, split the city, say anything to get elected and play the victim!
    I believe it was in March 2014 that Putnam said to the city council in a Glade road work session that he had distributed a copy of the Proposition to each city council member. If the controversy he created was not to be used to launch the political careers of Lindamood and Zeitlin then why was it not turned in in time for the November election ? Because it would not have served their purpose.
    I must give the PROS credit, they have taken an absolutely idiotic proposal, possibly written on purpose to completely confuse the electorate and convinced some voters of its legitimacy.
    In my very first post to Mrs. Zeitlin in which she’s accused the city council of gamesmanship and lying I said that kind of rhetoric was not good for politics at any level. The Pro camp continued their nastiness calling anyone that disagreed with them liars, including myself.
    You accuse the other side of absolutely everything and more that has been done by the Pro side. I don’t even have a dog in this race, unlike the candidates, all I want is the ditches filled in before somebody gets really hurt. I want a safe Glade Road for everyone !

    1. 4.1


      Mr. Rondeau; thank you for your comments. We have addressed where the eminent domain comments originated, City Hall and Public Works.

      The facts are a 10ft trail will require property not in the right of way. Now one council member is saying, well some of the North side will not be 10ft by 5ft.

      If this is a fact, it was disclosed previously. And further makes no sense to have different size of Trail or sidewalk.

      The proposal was written by citizens not attorneys. My conjecture however even if an attorney would have written the proposition there would still be claims the wording did not provide adequate clarity.

      As I understand it, the leaders of the proposition felt that, with this document in hand, Mayor Kelly would have met and provided a fair opportunity of compromise with the stakeholders. That did not happen.

      I have no problem with no bar ditches, I do have a problem with the at least 3 council members and one candidate hiding behind an illegal PAC.

      Finally, I have not accused the “other side” of absolutely everything, for example I haven’t accused them of being forthright and transparent in this election.

    2. 4.2


      Here you are again Gregg, getting used to seeing your name attacking Mr. Lindamood and Mrs. Zeitlin. You were one of the most frequent agitators on the Protect Colleyville site that worked so hard to make these two look bad. “If it’s true”, hope you can find it in your heart to apologize to them for your part in it. You and I both know your actions were very blatantly malicious sir!

  5. 5


    Glad to see the word is getting around! Those are great stats!

  6. 6

    Patricia Henderson

    I am a practicing attorney. The deposition in question could not have been sealed by the court, a settlement was reached. If there is no trial, then no deposition was offered into evidence for a Judge to seal. Depositions are given to all of the attorneys and parties in the lawsuit.
    A deposition is sworn to under oath.

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